My artistic lineage is a modification of the concept of a personal canon that resists the idea of the “canon” (see: Why not call it a “personal canon”?) while acknowledging the creative, scholarly, and other works that have influenced my thinking, reading, & writing. Instead, I am adopting the idea of an “artistic lineage.” Our ancestors have shaped us for better and for worse. I do not necessarily “recommend” every or any title on this page (especially not the Nemesis Texts) and their inclusion should not be understood as an endorsement of their quality - of craft or morals.
Items are added at random and their position in the list should not be understood as an indication of any kind of hierarchy.
For a more complete record of my reading [&c.] (September 2022-), see Meep Matsushima’s Media Diary.
Why not call it a “personal canon”?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass