
Flexigidity : the secret of Jewish adaptability, the challenge & opportunity facing Israel | WorldCat.org

The pomegranate gate | WorldCat.org

Judaism Beyond God | WorldCat.org

Balancing on the Mechitza : Transgender in Jewish Community | WorldCat.org

The Japanese Talmud Antisemitism in East Asia | WorldCat.org

Jews in the Japanese mind : the history and uses of a cultural stereotype | WorldCat.org

The sacred table : creating a Jewish food ethic | WorldCat.org

Koshersoul : the faith and food journey of an African American Jew | WorldCat.org

Like bread on the seder plate : Jewish lesbians and the transformation of tradition | WorldCat.org

The sabbath : its meaning for modern man | WorldCat.org

God is here : reimagining the Divine | WorldCat.org

Here all along : finding meaning, spirituality, and a deeper connection to life--in Judaism (after finally choosing to look there) | WorldCat.org

On the wings of Shekhinah : rediscovering Judaism's divine feminine | WorldCat.org

This is real and you are completely unprepared : the Days of Awe as a journey of transformation | WorldCat.org

Surprised by God : how I learned to stop worrying and love religion | WorldCat.org

On repentance and repair : making amends in an unapologetic world | WorldCat.org